Tax In Terms
You’ll Understand
The accounting realm is intimidating to so many people, and there’s often a sense of reluctance to bare oneself financially to a stranger.
At Mint, we don’t judge, clock-watch or patronise. We aim to make our clients feel comfortable, supported and informed.
Optimise Your Tax Returns
Mint offers both provisional and annual income tax return management for basic salary earners, entrepreneurs, commission earners, foreign income earners, consultants and taxpayers working or living abroad.
Mint can assist with tax planning and reducing your tax liability as well as advise on optimal tax structures and decisions.
We can also guide on the tax implications of income earned through rental properties and investments such as share portfolios, savings products and even Cryptocurrency.
At the end of the day, we all want to be compliant with SARS and optimise our tax returns as much as possible.
We can help you to resolve non-compliance issues and ensure that any previous concerns are resolved, so you can move forward with confidence in your tax compliance status.
The Accounting Firm You’ll Love
We’re shaking up the industry with an approach to accounting and tax that is deeply relatable and personal, all while delivering a best-in-class suite of services and specialist advice.